Conan Poster 3
- CONAN POSTER 3 - An acrylic painting done on a 16 x 20 size canvas board.
Back in 1976, Fictioneer publications asked me to do three "Conan" poster paintings that they hoped to sell as a set. This painting was supposed to be one of the three. But, they were not quite satisfied with it and asked me if I were willing to do another one. Actually, I did not have to do so because there was no clause in our contract that required their approval of the paintings. But it was very early in my career and though I was disappointed, I agreed to do another painting. This one was later sold to an art collector so the time and effort I put into it was not wasted.
One of the bewildering things about the art world is the matter of contrary opinions people have about a particular piece of artwork, or even about a specific artist. Does anyone ever think about their own opinions about things and question them? If someone says, "I don't know why, I just know what I like when I see it," they need to keep in mind that even a fish "knows what it likes when it sees it". Well, that's not good enough, and what's worse is that they don't make the effort of searching into their minds to find the answers to why they do or do not like something.
And that's the challenge you face in life, recognizing whether the things you confront and the decisions you make are good, or bad. The education you receive, the paintings you look at, the movies you see, the music that moves you, the food you eat, the mate you choose, the politicians you vote for, . . . How much thought do you actually put into all these things?
And what about me and my thoughts and decisions? My effort to overcome ignorance and avoid spouting foolish opinions has been an incredible on-going challenge. And though I'm aware that there are some things I know that just may not be so, and some of my opinions may be faulty, I'm satisfied with my efforts. I actually enjoy life trying to like the right things for the right reasons.

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